Friday, April 20, 2012

Leftovers for breakfast?

Leftovers for Breakfast

1 Campari Tomato (for garnish)
4 Spears of Asparagus
1 Large Brown Egg
8-10 Baby Potatoes
1/4 Cup Sliced Red Onion
Kosher Salt
Freshly Cracked Pepper
Olive Oil
Frying Pan

Slice red onion anyway you like.
Slice baby potatoes in half.
Slice asparagus spears into bite sized pieces.
Place frying pan onto burner.
Add a drizzle of olive oil.
Medium high heat.
Once oil is warm, add onion, potatoes, salt. and pepper.
Crack egg into a bowl and add sirracha (if desired).
After potatoes have started to brown, add asparagus.
Brown asparagus.
Add egg.
While waiting for egg to cook, slice campari tomato and place onto plate.
When egg is cooked, serve.

This breakfast was simple. I had leftover baby potatoes from a previous meal. This was a great way to use them. Feel free to add other vegetables (red bell pepper, green bell pepper, yellow chilies) or even add some pine nuts. This breakfast can be modified to suite anyone so get creative!

1 comment:

  1. i like profile i like your friendship ,waiting good replay
